Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Industry's Best People (a site that has most recently banned yours truly) has begun accepting submissions for the 25 people who've made the biggest contributions to the gaming industry this year.

I want that award.

The official rules stipulate that you can nominate yourself. I will, though I shouldn't have to. If you agree that yours truly, Michael Pachter, has made the greatest contribution to the gaming industry this year with my irrepressible wit and insight you can nominate me by e-mail here. This is how your e-mail should read.

"I believe Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst, Michael Pachter, should be on the list. His work as the industry's premiere financial mind and source of wisdom shows that his talent is undimmed by years of success. His enthusiasm for gaming as an entertainment medium and art-form is unparalleled.

P.S. - I think he's sexy."

1 comment:

Mike Roberts said...

So did you get the award?